Thursday, May 7, 2009

All aboard? The night train! (Location: Ulan Bator, Mongolia)

I somehow ended up taking the slow route back home - spent about 30 hours in the train to get to the capital of Mongolia. This a fascinating country even though UB must be one of the dodgiest cities during this trip. Cannot say that I'm too impressed by the Trans-Siberian / Trans-Mongolian thing yet - it's like being in the army (ie. waiting, waiting and getting bored). I'm planning to use a bit of 'fast forward' to get back home though, you can read the details later (and also more stuff about the train journey itself will be coming)... Anyway I plan to be in Helsinki by end of next week - see you soon!


  1. Olin unohtanut koko blogin, onneksi A. Sorsa otti asian puheeksi. Hurjan turneen oot vetäny, muista päivittää kotiin tullessas Cities I've been to :)

  2. Varoitus: sammuttakaa savukkeenne!!!
